Living Well…Well Presented
Dynamic New PowerPoint supports healthcare speaker’s workshops and seminars
Soram Khalsa’s Vitamin D Revolution clearly explained through an updated PowerPoint presentation
Dr. Soram Khalsa is a modern-day messiah, presenting workshops and seminars on the vital value of Vitamin D. Khalsa is a high-energy and respected speaker….but his presentation visuals lacked consistency and vitality. So the expert of Vitamin D turned to the experts of Presentation Design to transform his basic PowerPoint presentation from bland and boring into a dynamic and high-impact presentation masterpiece.
The presentation’s objectives were to support his seminars (visual aid) while build serving as a marketing tool to build his business. The presentation was contracted as an hourly billable project and involved graphical design with some content consulting. It was created to be delivered in person, or via webinar.
The deliverables included:
- Consultation and collaborative development/editing of core presentation content (key messages, bullet points, diagrams, etc.)
- Development of a custom professional template (title and body masters), to reflect the presentation’s content and/or Dr. Soram and his Complementrix brand.
- Establishment of a “presentation palette” defining the colors, fonts, and layout…to make the presentation more memorable.
- Clutter-reducing techniques and presentation strategies to create a clean look with maximum effectiveness.
- Clean and professional slide transition effects (fades and wipes).
- Professional fonts/typography to ensure consistent playback on different operating systems.
- High-impact stock graphics based on the presentation’s content + deep creative/ graphic artistry.
The presentation overhaul started with a fact-finding conversation to define the presentation’s five key objectives:
- Define Present an overview/statistics of the deficiencies of Vitamin D
- Showcase Dr. Soram’s expertise and credibility in this field, and highlight his book, while showcasing his personal story of how he overcame debilitating neck pain and health challenges.
- Present facts and statistics of the value of Vitamin D and it can eliminate/cure diseases and “change your life”
- Get his audience to take Vitamin D daily!
And then the 4-phase work project began:
Phase 1 | Phase 2 | Phase 3 | Phase 4 |
The presentation’s design was based on a contemporary, bright and clean design style integrating imagery featuring sunlight, diversity, and health themes, while supporting his professional brand/image, Complementrix, and his “Vitamin D Revolution” book image.
The presentation design strategy involved:
- Clean and professional imagery/graphics (portfolio, schematics, employees, concept art, etc.).
- Process flow/numeric information and animations (tables, charts, and graphs).
- Professional layout of iconic-themed graphics (rather than photos) integrating soft drop-shadows and clean-white borders.
- Content development and consultation to create core messages, supported by graphics, with an effort to reduce bullet points and text-heavy slides.
- Interactivity (main menu and hyperlinks to jump to key slides and graphics)…providing the presenter with the functionality to quickly jump to key slides, as directed by the viewers/audience.
A clean, open, and contemporary PowerPoint template
Dr. Soram wanted a simple yet powerful to share his message about how Vitamin D helped him to cure his own medical issue of neck pain. The light-blue template supported a brand of openness and lightness. The imported images were enhanced with a Reflected Rounded Rectangle Picture Style. For body text, we selected Myriad Pro Condensed as the body font because of its relaxed yet professional image. Lucida Sans Unicode worked well as the title font, as it matched Dr. Soram’s other marketing material. The body text was juxtaposed against a left margin, and appeared on mouseclick with soft fade animation.
Bullets Kill.
By converting a simple list of bullets into a 3D angled Smart Art block group, Dr. Soram was able to maintain his approach to multiple points…while creating a more memorable and impactful visual. Rather than a vertical list of 11 items, 11 separate text boxes animate-in on mouse-click and eventually fill the screen while creating a feeling of quantity without boredom.
Don’t just say it…show it.
The heavy topic of obesity was best supported by a stock image of an overweight man on a scale. The image was edited in Photoshop, the white background was removed and it was re-saved as a transparent PNG, and imported into PowerPoint. By positioning the image to the right on the screen, the key message of the extra value of Vitamin D was comfortably balanced and memorably presented.
Full screen graphics!
Not all graphics need to be imported images. This slide featured a full-screen image of a woman applying sunscreen. The image was embedded within the frame of the template and saved as a 1024×768 jpg image. This full-screen visual sends a strong, creative, and memorable message, yet maintains a level of consistency and branding through the grounded placement of the logo/template frame and Lucida Font. After 10 days of collaborative development, a winning presentation finally emerged.
Dr. Soram now has a dynamic PowerPoint presentation…helping to fuel his Vitamin D revolution. The importance of living well…is now well presented.